Saturday 31 August 2013

Here I go again...

Me again! Sorry it has been so long since my last entry. Many experiences since my art show. I have had such positive feedback from friends, family and new contacts about what I am doing! I am extremely grateful to everyone for the support and encouragement.
I got a phone call the other day to ask if I would speak at the CNIB golf tournament in Calgary on the 9th of September. I am a little nervous, but excited too! I will not even have to imagine everyone in the room naked, as I will not be able to see them anyways! Speaking out for an organization that has given me back so much hope and help for my disabilities is an honor. The CNIB is not just for the blind, but for anyone with any form of vision loss. There is so much out there to help anyone get their life back. So wish me luck....not a great public speaker.
Another update is concerning the High River Flood. Wow, it has been a long few months and it is going to be a long while before it all comes back together. I have witnessed many acts of kindness, witnessed many discouraged neighbors, witnessed many selfless people come and do what they can for our community. I am so lucky to be living in a town that is pulling together and doing what they can to be STRONG. My heartfelt thanks go out to every stranger who has provided a meal, to every stranger and friend that has aided Darren and I in the clean up, to every family member who has been so generous to us and to those who have just given me a smile or a hug along the way. Our road to recovery is going to take time. I only hope that we all band together and keep on with our acts of kindness to one another.
As soon as school starts up again I am back at it! I have a couple of really exciting NEW friends who have given me stories that they have written. I am going to get my books done and off to printers asap and then go hard. Now that I am an unemployed graphic designer I will have some time to get focused and get published!